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    The Pros and Cons of Double Hung Windows

    It is important to research which type of window will be most beneficial for your home. Similar to the single hung, the double hung window is one of the most common window styles. Unlike, the single hung, this kind of window also features two options for ventilation, allowing more air to flow and keeping your home's interior fresh and cool.
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    Single hung and double hung windows are classic styles. While a single hung window only has one operable, or movable, sash, a double hung window allows you to move both the top and bottom sashes. On a double hung window, the top and bottom sashes and be raised up or down to allow more air flow in your home. This article focuses on the properties of a double hung window.

    Double Hung Window | © CC0 Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons / Tucker T

    Costs for a Double Hung Window

    Because of the additional hardware that allows both sashes to open, a double hung window tends to be slightly more expensive than a single hung option. A double hung window will generally cost anywhere from $200 to $350 and up.

    How Long Will Your Double Hung Window Last?

    The strength of your double hung window ultimately depends on the type of frame material. Fiberglass is a durable option that require little maintenance and can handle condensation without warping. A wooden double hung window frame is more vulnerable to the elements and requires more regular maintenance but can be stained to boost its appearance and longevity. A vinyl double hung window frame is ideal in regions of the country with extreme temperatures and more condensation.

    Repairs and Maintenance

    In order to keep your double hung window system working smoothly, it's important to make an effort to regularly maintain your windows. Homeowners should clean their double hung window a few times a year in order to keep the system working properly and maintain its appearance. Because a double hung window allows you to slide both sashes up and down, cleaning and dusting is much easier than for single hung windows. Additionally, many modern double hung windows allow the homeowner to tilt the glass inward in order to clean the other side of the pane from the inside. This makes overall window cleaning much easier, especially for homes with multiple stories where it may be difficult to clean the outside of the window.

    Energy Efficiency

    A double hung window is slightly less energy efficient than its single hung counterpart. Because the sashes are movable, there are more opportunities for air to filter through the window. However, the ability to open both sashes of a double hung window allows for considerable ventilation in the warmer months. Additionally, the type of glass used for your double hung window panes is an important factor in energy efficiency. For more information on the different types of window glass, see our handy guide to window glass replacement and repair.

    Summary: A Simple Choice for Homeowners

    Choosing a double hung window has many benefits for homeowners, especially for those who seek increased air flow in their home. While slightly more expensive than single hung windows, a double hung window provides simpler maintenance and ventilation.

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    Written by: Anthony Elio, Editor