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    The Prices for Interior Doors

    While they are often overlooked in favor of their flashier, exterior cousins, interior doors are an essential part of a home and should be factored into any homeowner’s budget. Read on to learn more about the different factors that contribute to interior doors prices.
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    Materials for Interior Door Prices

    On the expensive side of the spectrum are interior doors made from solid wood, or from metal or glass (or metal and glass, depending on the door). Solid wood doors are more often used for exteriors, but they can be used for the interior as well to create a look of classic elegance. The price for solid wood doors will vary, depending on the species of wood used, but a solid wood door is generally going to one of the most expensive interior doors you can find.

    Today, metal and glass are used more and more often to fit in with the booming popularity of minimalist, contemporary styles. They are not as expensive as solid wood interior doors, but they still tend to be on the pricier side.

    The cheapest interior doors will be MDF, hollow core, or solid core doors. MDF is an engineered wood product produced from wood scraps, shavings, and other recycled materials. Both hollow core and solid core doors are crafted with a plywood or molded composite frame, but hollow core doors have a hollow interior, often outfitted with a honeycomb structural support, while solid core doors have a solid, wood fiber blend. All three of the materials are cheaper than solid wood interior doors, and hollow core interior doors tend to be the cheapest option.

    Materials and styles are important factors in determining interior doors prices. | @ / stanslavov

    Accessories and Finishes for Interior Doors Prices

    Knobs, levers, and hinges are common accessories, while any kind of engraving work or glass inserts will also come with an additional cost. Along the same lines, finishes, such as paints and oils, will also cost extra. Luckily, these accessories come with wide-ranging prices.

    In considering accessories, however, you should be aware of the differences between slab and prehung doors. A slab is just the door and nothing else, meaning that it comes sans frame, hinges, knob, and so forth. A prehung door, however, is already affixed to a frame and outfitted with basic hardware. Slab doors are obviously cheaper than prehung doors, and they can be useful if you’re simply replacing and old door with the same dimensions. A prehung door, while more expensive, is a great choice if you’re completely revamping a room, widening entryways, or more. Both slab and prehung doors can be beneficial in different situations.

    Labor and Maintenance for Interior Doors Prices

    The final points to consider when estimating interior doors prices are labor and maintenance. In order to ensure that your interior door prices stay low in the future, it's important to hire a professional. Expect that hiring contractors will add to your interior doors prices. Also, if you are using solid wood for your interior doors, you should be aware that solid wood requires considerable maintenance, which means higher interior doors prices.

    Read further HomeAdvancement articles to find specific interior doors prices and more detailed information for different types of interior doors. Additionally, be sure to check out our helpful database to find a professional to install your interior doors today.
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