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    The Prices for Exterior Wood Doors

    Wood doors possess an elegance that can add warmth and charm to any home. However, there are often many costs to consider when looking for a door that is the perfect fit. For homeowners concerned with their wood door price, it is important to research all of the options available today.
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    Because wood entry doors are highly customizable, they are an affordable option for a variety of homes. The most basic, low-cost doors provide a simple and sturdy charm, while higher-end options add a unique and extravagant flair. Read on to learn more about the costs of wood doors.

    General Prices for a Wood Entry Door

    A wood door price varies depending on the type of wood. A wood entry door typically starts around $200-$400 for a basic structure. With installation costs, this price increases to about $200-$700. Wood doors constructed with higher quality material and several added features can cost around $3000-$12,000 with installation.

    Homeowners should count on spending an average of $2,000 to $4,000 for a complete system that includes a prehung wood door in its frame, hinges, locksets, sidelights, and weatherstripping.

    Added Features for Wood Entry Doors

    The possibilities for your door are nearly endless. Homeowners can often work with their contractor or manufacturer to design a wood entry door to fit their unique personality and to satisfy all of their needs. Added features for your wood entry door include decorative accents, panels, and other stylistic embellishments. Many manufacturers can add stress to the grain in order to accentuate the wood's rustic or historic authenticity.

    Glass options are often the biggest variable when determining the ultimate cost of the new wood entry door. Many wood entry doors feature a window, or several windows, in the door. Homeowners can also choose to install sidelights (window panels on either side of the door) or a transom (window panels above the door). These upgrades usually cost an extra $600 to $3000 or more.

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Wood doors are generally not as energy efficient as other exterior door options. However, many manufacturers can add an insulation core to the door panels. This addition raises the R-value from R-2 for a standard wood door to about R-5 or higher. An insulation core can add about $100-$400 to your total cost ­– wood doors with added insulation typically start around $300 to $600.

    Sustainably Sourced Wood Entry Doors

    Because some species of wood are endangered, homeowners can purchase a solid wood door certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). FSC-certified wood doors do tend to be more expensive. These prices may vary depending on the manufacturer.

    Summary: An Affordable Choice for Many Different Kinds of Homes

    Wood doors are an elegant, highly customizable option. Depending on the type of wood, as well as your door's added features, a wood entry door can also carry a very reasonable price tag. It's important to consult with a contractor to make the best decision for your home. To find a wood entry door, get started today with HomeAdvancement’s easy links.

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    Written by: Anthony Elio, Editor