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    The Prices for Exterior Juniper Doors

    The rich, deep cinnamon textures and swirling grain patterns of a juniper door offer a unique rustic beauty. For homeowners concerned with their juniper door price, it is important to thoroughly research all of the options available today.
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    Since juniper has recently shifted from an environmental concern to an eco-savvy choice, juniper entry doors are now affordable and attractive. Read on to learn more about the different potential costs of installing a new juniper door.

    General Prices for a Juniper Door 

    The cost of a new entry door is highly dependent on the type of wood. Once thought to be a throwaway wood and water hog, the western juniper is an abundant resource being put to productive and environmentally friendly use. Because juniper falls somewhere in the middle of the wood spectrum, a basic, six-panel juniper door usually will begin around $200-$400. With installation costs included, a standard juniper entry door is about $200-$700. For a juniper door with reinforced insulation, glass insets, and other added features, however, overall costs can range anywhere between $3,000 and $11,000 with installation.

    For complete systems that includes a pre-hung juniper door in its frame, hinges, locksets, sidelights, and weatherstripping, homeowners should plan on investing anywhere between $2,000 to $4,000.

    Juniper Door Added Features

    Popular additions for a juniper door include decorative distressing and blackened antiquing, glass side panels, and other hand-carved accents. To maximize home security and style, many manufacturers also offer practical additions such as draft-blocking thresholds and fire-proofing.

    Different glass options are often one of the largest variables to consider when determining the ultimate cost of the new juniper entry door. Many juniper doors frequently feature a decorative window, or several windows, in the door. Homeowners may also elect to install sidelights (window panels on either side of the door) or a transom (window panels above the door). Depending on the complexity, thickness, and amount of glass used in the entryway, these upgrades can cost an extra $600 to $3000 or more.

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Juniper and other wood doors are generally not as energy efficient as other exterior door materials. Despite this fact, many manufacturers offer an additional polyurethane insulation core to reinforce the door panels. This fortification raises the R-value (i.e. thermal resistance) from R-2 for a standard juniper entry door to about R-5 or higher. On the whole, an insulation core will add between $100-$400 to your total cost – a juniper door with added insulation typically starts around $300 to $600.

    Sustainable Sourced Juniper Door

    Homeowners can purchase a solid juniper door certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Although FSC-certified wood doors generally do tend to be more expensive, prices may vary depending on the manufacturer.

    Summary: An Affordable Choice for Many Different Kinds of Homes

    Juniper entry doors offer an attractive and affordable alternative to popular construction materials. To make the best decision, it's recommended that homeowner's consult with a local contractor first. Get started with HomeAdvancement’s easy links to find a new juniper entry door for your home today.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor