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    The Prices for Screen Doors

    A screen door separates homeowners from the outside world, letting fresh air in while keeping insects and other pests out. There are many cost factors to consider when searching for the perfect retracting or sliding screen door. For homeowners concerned with their screen door price, it is important to be familiar with all available options as well as their prices.
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    Screen doors of all type and design are relatively inexpensive, making them an affordable and practical investment. While a simple and low-cost screen door can lend a sturdy charm, the hand-crafted beauty of more ornate options can offer the home a unique conversation piece. Read on to learn more about the potential costs of installing a new screen door.

    General Prices for a Screen Door

    A basic wood-framed screen door typically begins around $50 to 250, while a sliding screen door can cost homeowners between $100 to $400. With installation costs included, a standard screen door is about $300 to $550. High-quality materials like oak or mahogany, elaborate hand-crafted designs, and other added features, however, costs can range anywhere from $400 to $1,100 with installation.

    Added Features for Screen Doors

    Popular additions for screen doors include ornate and hand-carved accents, pneumatic door closers, and other stylistic embellishments. To maximize home security, some manufacturers offer upgraded locking options such as three-point locking systems.

    Homeowners who would like enjoy all-season use out of their new screen door may want to consider a combination screen door. A hybrid between glass storm doors and a screen door, the external screen will help to keep the bugs out, while the glass installed behind the screen will slide closed to keep the cold out. Depending on the thickness, the amount of glass, and the complexity of the screen door itself, these upgrades usually cost an extra $200 to $750 or more.

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Even though a screen door doesn't do very well to keep the cold outside air out on its own, it can bolster the overall performance of a main entry door. By creating an insulating air space between the outside world and the primary door, an external screen door helps to prevent additional air leakage. This can raise the R-value (i.e. thermal resistance) from R-2 or R-3 for a standard wood entry door to about R-5 or higher.

    Sustainably Sourced Screen Doors

    Because some species of wood are currently listed as endangered or at-risk, homeowners have the option of purchasing a wood-framedscreen door certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Although doors made with FSC-certified wood generally tend to be more expensive, prices may vary depending on the manufacturer.

    Summary: An Affordable Choice for Many Different Kinds of Homes

    A new screen door is a savvy investment that can boost the energy efficiency for any home. To make the best decision, it's first recommended that homeowners consult with a contractor. Get started today with HomeAdvancement’s easy links to find the ideal screen door for your home today.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor