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    Installation for Different Types of Roofing

    There are many types of roof coverings, and many more ways to install them. Below you will find articles related to the subject of roof installation.
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    Asphalt Shingle Roof Installation

    Asphalt roofing is the most common type in North America, with 4 out of 5 homes sporting this roof covering. A shingle roof installation can be done by a homeowner, but to ensure the job is done right, you should hire a contractor. This article describes the basics of shingling a new roof.

    Clay Tile Roof Installation

    Clay tile roof installation hasn't change much over the centuries. This ancient form of roofing appears simply enough to install, but should be performed by a qualified roofer. Properly installed clay roofs have been known to last 100 years, while improperly installed ones can start to fall apart in no time. This article gives the basics of how to perform a clay tile roof installation.

    Flat Roof Installation

    Flat roof installation is generally suitable for a DIY job. This article gives a brief overview of the four main types of flat roofing (tar and gravel, modified bitumen, PVC and rubber roofing) and their application techniques.

    Metal Roof Installation

    Metal roof installation can be suitable for a DIY job, if you have the proper tools and the know-how. Metal roofing is becoming more and more popular due to its ease of installation, its durability, safety and eco-friendly qualities. In this article, you will find some questions you should ask when you are considering installing a metal roof, and the basics of installation.

    Modified Bitumen Installation@ / kadmy

    Modified Bitumen Flat Roof Installation

    Modified bitumen is performed in one of two ways - with the torch-down method or with the peel-and-stick. The torch-down method should be done by a contractor given the inherent fire risk, but the peel-and-stick is quite easy to perform. This article gives a more in-depth view of how to perform a modified bitumen roof installation.

    PVC Flat Roof Installation

    Though PVC or vinyl flat roofing is similar in price and concept to rubber flat roofing, it is not suitable for a DIY installation. This is due to the heat-welded seams, which ensure a longer-lasting bond and overall a more leak proof roof than similar forms of flat roofing. This article discusses the different methods of PVC flat roof installation.

    Roof Tar Application

    Applying roof tar is a fairly straight-forward task, but it is a dirty one. This type of flat roof covering gives off noxious fumes, and has a fire risk potential. To avoid the mess and the risk, consider hiring a contractor. This article describes how to apply roofing tar.

    Rubber Roof Installation

    Rubber roof installation is also suitable for a DIY job. It can be used on both flat roofs and pitched roofs, in different forms. A flat roof installation is more DIY friendly than a pitched roof, but both are fairly straight-forward. Rubber roofing is also becoming more popular due to its durability and because it is largely made of recycled materials. In this article, you will find information on the basics of installing a rubber roll for your flat roof, or rubber shingles for your pitched roof.

    Slate Roof Installation

    A slate roof installation should only be performed by a qualified slate roofer. In this article, you can read about the three most important factors when installing a slate roof - having quality materials, a qualified contractor and knowing the in's and out's of slate roofing.

    Spray Foam Roofing Installation

    Spray foam roof installation should only be performed by a qualified professional. Although the process appears fairly simple (mix chemicals, spray upon roof, add UV protective coating overtop), it takes a skilled hand to achieve the proper temperature, chemical ratio and thickness of the foam.

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    Written by: Ansley Clark, Editor