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    Spray Foam Roofing Installation

    Spray foam roofing is a top choice for flat roofs, and can be quickly installed by qualified roofers.
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    Spray foam roofing is also known as Spray Polyurethane Foam roofing. It is a great choice for a flat roof due to its insulation properties and seamlessness. It is a long-lasting roof choice, if it has been installed properly. This type of installation is not suitable for a DIY installation, as it takes skill and specialized equipment for the job.

    Benefits of an SPF Roof Installation

    Spray foam roofing is a relatively quick process. Depending on the size and complexity of your roof, you could have a new SPF roof in a day. It is possible to install spray foam roofing overtop of an existing roof, saving time and money on a roof tear-off.

    SPF roofing is also low in volatile organic compounds, or VOC’s. 

    Ultimately, an SPF roof will cause minimal disruption to the homeowner.



    Common Mistakes in Spray Foam Roof Installation

    The roof substrate must be clean. Any amount of debris or moisture can prevent the material from adhering properly to the substrate, causing ruptures later on.

    An SPF installation should only be done on a clear and calm day. Any amount of wind could take the spray foam flying to places you do not want it.

    Spray foam installation is also a messy job. Proper safety equipment must be used. Small expanding droplets of foam can end up anywhere, so be sure that any equipment or electronics are safely stored away. It is best to leave the installation team to their work, but a good idea to be nearby to catch and clean any drips that find their way to the exterior of your home. Remember that spray foam dries within minutes, and becomes next to impossible to remove.

    Spray Foam Roof Installation and the Importance of a Qualified Contractor

    Spray foam roofing sounds simple. The installer ensures that the substrate of the roof is clean and free of moisture. Then two ingredients are mixed on-site using specialized equipment attached to a truck or a trailer. A chemical reaction begins as soon as these ingredients are mixed. Heated hoses carry the mixture to a spray gun, which is used to apply the foam to a thickness of between 1 and 2 inches. The liquid foams, expands and hardens. An elastomeric coating is then added to protect the foam from harmful UV rays.

    However, this installation requires skill and experience. First and foremost, the necessary equipment is too specialized for a one-off job. The cost of renting the equipment, if possible, will likely outweigh the savings of a DIY job. Secondly, only a seasoned professional will be able to mix the components for the right amount of time, at the right temperature, and administer the liquid properly and thoroughly while anticipating how much the foam will expand. It is better to find a qualified professional in your area first and save yourself the hassle.

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    Written by: Markus Krichel, Editor