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    A Guide to Front Door Replacement

    Over time, front doors experience a lot of wear and tear from daily use and exposure to the elements. This wear and tear can lead to energy waste and costly utility bills. In order to keep your home snug and your energy bills low, consider a front door replacement for your home.
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    Is your front door cracked and warped? Has it been stained or damaged by heavy snow, rain, or intense heat? If so, you're probably in need of a front door replacement. A front door or garage door replacement can significantly improve your home's curb appeal, security, and energy efficiency.

    This process can be overwhelming, but our handy guide will help you navigate the intricacies of front door replacement.

    Measure Your Door

    This might seem like a no-brainer, but taking measurements is the most important step in front door replacement, as inaccurately sized door can ruin your whole project. When replacing your door, make sure to take the following measurements:

    a. Door size (both the height and width of your door)
    b. Jamb width (from the rear of the interior trim to the rear of the exterior trim)
    c. Exterior opening width (the opening from the exterior side of the door, including the surrounding exterior casing)
    d. Rough opening width (the opening of the interior side of the door)

    Pick Out Your New Door

    Generally, choosing a pre-hung door—a door already hanging in its own frame—makes front door replacement much easier.

    Additionally, when undertaking front door replacement, consider the material. Wood is often the most attractive, but this material is also expensive and tends to warp or rot easily. Steel is durable and inexpensive, but sometimes lacks the elegant finish of a wood door. A fiberglass door combines the handsome features of a wood door with the resistance of a steel door for a much lower price than traditional wood. Each type of material has its pros and cons, so be sure to weigh your options carefully.

    A front door replacement boosts your home's security and curb appeal. | @ / Monkey Business

    Inspect Your New Door’s Accessories

    Once you’ve chosen the door for your front door replacement project, ask yourself the following questions: are all the parts made by the same manufacturer? Is the weatherstripping properly sealed? Does the threshold lock with the bottom edge of the door? The answer to all of these questions should be “Yes.”

    Taking the time to check each of your door system’s components might seem tedious, but this step will ensure the success of your front door replacement project. That way, your door will last for a generation or more instead of eroding into an embarrassing eyesore within a few years.

    Remove the Old Door

    Again, this task seems obvious for anyone thinking about front door replacement, but this step actually requires considerable attention. When completing front door replacement, first remove your old door, then remove the interior trim, the exterior trim, and finally the jambs.

    Find a Quality Contractor for Front Door Replacement

    Hiring a contractor can ensure that your door replacement is a smooth, stress-free process. Contractors provide homeowners with experience and professional expertise and can guarantee that your front door replacement is completed correctly and in a timely manner. This will prevent any future problems that may arise from incorrect installation.

    Following these tips should help make front door replacement a little more manageable. Be sure to check out HomeAdvancement’s easy links to find a contractor and a front door that you love.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor