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    The Pros and Cons of Juniper Doors

    For some wood experts, the only fitting description for juniper's grain is sensual. With their unique knots and splits and large, swirling grain patterns, juniper doors combine style and sustainability. Due to the northwestern United States' explosion of juniper in recent years, new efforts in environmental sustainability have arisen. Today, manufacturers are working to turn these former water hogs into an attractive and affordable material for entry doors.
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    Juniper generally ranges in color from lighter tones to deep shades of cinnamon red and brown. Over time, and with exposure to the sun, a juniper entry door will darken to a rich tone, accentuating its rustic appeal. For homeowners considering a new exterior door, this article will outline the pros and cons of choosing juniper.

    Costs of Juniper Doors

    Formerly considered a throwaway wood, this wood is an abundant resource that is now being manufactured as an eco-friendly option for exterior doors. Consequently, juniper doors usually fall somewhere in the middle of the wood spectrum, typically starting around $1300.

    Some species of juniper are actually subject to government removal programs due to their invasive nature. Even so, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) now offers customers the option to purchase a juniper doors certified as sustainably grown and harvested.


    Classified as a softwood, juniper is both uniquely sustainable and strong choice. Possibly related to this species' tendency to dominate its environment, researchers have found that juniper doors performs exceptionally well in tests of durability. This material shrinks and swells less than other wood. Thus, entry doors made of this wood are more resistant to harsh or humid weather. With the proper steps taken for protection, you can expect a new juniper door to last fifty years or more.

    How to Treat Juniper

    Due to their distinct appearance, juniper doors are typically stained rather than painted. Juniper doors handle stain well and work quite nicely with colors ranging from light to a deep cinnamon brown. Since coniferous softwoods like juniper are also more likely to dent, homeowners can hammer or distress their new investment so that accidental dings blend nicely with the grain. Some experts also argue that splits and cracks enhance the door's rustic feel.

    Repairs and Maintenance

    Due to its durability, juniper doors should require less maintenance than most other wood doors. Although juniper is surprisingly strong for a softwood, it's important that homeowners still examine their entry doors annually.

    Energy Efficiency and Tax Credits

    Wood doors are usually not as energy efficient as other entry door options. Solid exterior juniper doors typically have an R-value between R-2 and R-3 for 2-3/4” thick door. However, many manufacturers can add an insulation core, raising the R-value to about R-5 or higher.

    Summary: A Solid, Long-Lasting Choice for Your Home

    Juniper is an abundant and ecologically savvy alternative to other materials. Like snowflakes, no two pieces of juniper are same due to their swirling grain patterns and unique knots. Juniper doors will make a stylish addition to any home for years to come.

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    Written by: Adilson Dos Santos Jr., Editor