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    The Prices for Hollow Core Interior Doors

    Today, an average home can have as many as thirty interior doors to throughout the house. Although purchasing a solid wood or solid core interior door is the best choice, hollow core door prices can provide some relief to financial worries for home improvement or design projects.
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    While these doors are flimsier than solid core or solid wood doors, hollow core door prices are hard to turn down for the budget-conscious homeowner. Hollow core doors provide less privacy and are less durable than other kinds of interior doors. However, this cost-efficient alternative can be a smart choice for less-used areas like closets and utility rooms. Read on to learn more about hollow core door prices.

    General Hollow Core Door Prices

    Hollow core tends to be the least expensive interior door material available, as hollow core doors are made with only a cardboard honeycomb and two thin plywood sheets for an exterior. As a result, hollow core doors, true to their name, feel light and hollow. Although they are much less durable than other kinds of interior door materials, hollow core door prices are a good option for large-scale or low-budget remodeling projects that need to account for numerous doors.

    Hollow core door prices usually range from around $35 to $100. Higher quality doors with other additions or finishes can add another $50 to the final cost. If you are considering hiring contractors to ensure a smooth installation for your doors, expect to spend between $150 and $250 for your doors and installation costs. This price can increase with the number of doors you need installed.

    Other Add-Ons and Cost Considerations

    Hollow core door prices are the lowest cost material in the interior door market. They also tend to have fewer options available in terms of style and design, as their key selling point is usually the savings they offer, as opposed to their appearance.

    Some hollow core doors are all fiberboard, without any veneer. However, many hollow core doors also feature a wood veneer coating to maintain the traditional appearance of wood. This coating can be finished to resemble popular materials such as birch or oak. Hollow core doors with a veneer are still cheap, generally costing between $50 to $100 and up.

    Simple swinging door designs will require only a set of hinges. Sliding doors are especially popular with hollow core for closet and laundry rooms, and they need both rollers and a track for the door to slide on as well, which can potentially increase your door's costs. Pocket doors slide into a pocket in the wall, which will also increase installation complications and costs.

    Bottom Line: A Cheap Option for Tight Budgets

    Due to the reality of remodeling costs for interior doors in homes today, many homeowners may be concerned with how to finance their projects. While less durable, hollow core door prices are low and therefore gentler on budgets. They are light-duty doors and are good options for your home's tiny, out-of-the-way spaces, such as laundry rooms and closets.

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    Written by: Ryan Mchugh, Editor