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    The Prices for Interior French Doors

    ​Historically known for their beautiful use of glass panels, interior french doors offer the benefits of both a door and a window. There are few additional factors to consider when building a budget for your interior french doors.
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    When choosing materials and glass options and planning for the necessary space, it's important to research the factors that contribute to the cost of interior french doors. Read on to learn more about the prices for interior french doors for your home.

    General Costs for Interior French Doors

    A single, standard french interior door with no frills and only a simple glass insert usually starts with prices around $50 to $200. Depending on the door's size, style, and materials, this price can run as high as $1,000 or more for more elaborate model types. To have the door professionally installed usually adds between $50 and $300 to the cost. However, since interior french doors are generally installed in sets of two, it's fairly safe to budget around $450 for the pair. Additionally, keep in mind that when a french door set replaces an existing single doorway, the project will require extra construction costs in order to prepare an opening that is double the width of a normal doorway to accommodate the doors.

    Interior french doors can be a beautiful way to separate a home office from your living space. | @ / Iriana Shiyan

    Materials and Other Options for Interior French Doors

    Since factors like durability from exterior elements aren't usually a concern when it comes to interior french doors, homeowners have a wider range of materials and options to choose from. Less expensive woods can be substituted without sacrificing energy efficiency. Similarly, decorative, homeowners can purchase high quality materials such as solid wood without worrying that these materials will grow worn from the weather.

    Additionally, interior french doors don't necessarily need the thick glass inserts and door locks that exterior french doors may need, as heat insulation and break-ins are rarely a concern inside the home. There are, however, soundproof glass panels available for interior french doors to help create more privacy. These inserts may be especially useful for interior french doors that separate a home office from a living space or a master bedroom from the rest of the home.

    For a basic interior french door set made with clear, simple glass inserts and less expensive materials like steel, aluminum, or a softwood like pine, prices will generally begin between $300 and $800 for the pair. To upgrade to interior french doors made with decorative or energy efficient glass panels and finished solid woods like mahogany or cherry, however, can add anywhere from $1500 to $3000 or more to the final cost of the project.

    Bottom Line: An Investment to Enhance Your Home's Interior

    The elegance and added light of interior french doors make them a gorgeous alternative to traditional interior doors. Though they might be pricier than a standard hollow core or solid core interior door, this investment may add value to your home and will create an elegant interior.

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    Written by: Ryan Mchugh, Editor