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    How Much Is A New Roof?

    The question of how much is a new roof does not come with an easy answer. Roofers must consider a whole range of variables when quoting a price for a new roof.
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    How Do Roofers Charge?

    Roofers charge for a new roof in squares. A square is 100 square feet.

    When you ask how much is a new roof, a square does not just mean the price for the roofing material, but everything that goes into installing a new roof and running a professional company.

    Factors That Affect the Price of a New Roof

    When drafting an estimate for a new roof, a contractor must consider the following factors:

    • The size, slope and complexity of your roof
    • Existing roofing to be removed
    • Roof decking reparations, if necessary
    • Materials (type of roofing to be installed, roofing underlayment, ventilation and flashing)
    • Tools and accessories (nails, caulking, metal cutters)
    • Trash disposal costs
    • Special equipment to be rented (a lift for slate tiles, trash dumpster, etc.)
    • Labor
    • Overhead costs (insurance, advertising, trucks, gas, phones, office staff, etc.)
    • Taxes and permits
    • Profit

    Installing a Metal Roof in AlaskaHow much is a new roof? The price of a new roof fluctuates depending on where you live, like this metal roof being installed in Alaska. | @ / saraking



    Outside Economic Factors That Affect New Roof Price

    An important but often overlooked factor in the price of a new roof is where you live. A roofer has to consider the local cost of living and the economic conditions of where they live. They must also consider the geographic location of your home, and the ease of purchasing and delivering the necessary materials.

    The Cost of Saving Money on a New Roof

    It is important to hire a professional contractor to install your new roof. Some companies will try to save money by hiring illegal workers, and skimping on insurance costs. This can mean injury on the workplace with no compensation, and a poorly installed roof. A poorly installed roof will be much more costly than the initial savings you receive.

    So when you are asking the question of how much is a new roof, be sure to consider all factors that affect price.

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    Written by: Moe Berrigan, Editor