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    The Cost to Replace a Slate Roof

    Throughout decades of change in home technology, slate has remained a durable roofing option. Many people have slate roofs but, with their ability to last decades, if not centuries, few have had to replace them. Those who do need to replace theirs are likely unsure when it comes to total slate roof cost, even if they have made small repairs throughout the years. Read on to learn about the factors that affect slate roof cost.
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    Slate Roof Types

    Slate roofing has a long history of reliability and popularity. The main factor that affects slate roof cost is the type of slate you're dealing with. Major types of slate include natural and synthetic.

    Natural slate has long been considered durable, versatile, and beautiful. In addition to being waterproof, natural slate is resistant to extreme cold and heat (including fire). Despite these common characteristics, not all natural slate is made equal. Natural slate is generally described as either hard or soft. Hard slate is usually colored and can last as long as 200 years. Soft slate is usually black and is known to last over 100 years.

    Synthetic slate, made from recycled plastic and rubber, is formed to resemble slate and shares some of its properties. One crucial difference between natural and synthetic slate is that synthetic slate is much lighter, and less weight will decrease your slate roof cost. Another difference is that synthetic slate roofs last 50 or more years. This is significantly longer than asphalt shingled roofs, but shorter than hard or soft natural slate.

    Overall, whether you use natural or synthetic slate, your slate roof cost will pay for many years of quality roof coverage.

    High quality slate will keep your home dry for many years to come. | @ / Monkey Business

    Slate Roof Cost: Materials

    Whether a consumer chooses hard or soft slate depends on local geology. Since slate is so heavy, and therefore expensive to transport, people tend to take whatever comes from nearby quarries. A standard natural slate roof cost generally ranges from $6-$10 per square foot for materials alone. Rarer slate types, installation methods, and other factors can push a slate roof cost up as high as $40 per square foot.

    Due to it being manufactured and lightweight, a synthetic slate roof cost is much easier to estimate. The synthetic slate roof cost range, regardless of type, installation method, or other factors, is $3-$10. While that might seem just as expensive as natural slate, don't be fooled: the real savings of synthetic slate relate to labor costs.

    Slate Roof Cost: Labor

    Because it is so heavy and brittle, natural slate roof installation requires the work of specialized labor. A team of these specialists generally costs you $70-100 per hour. Synthetic slate can be installed faster and by teams that work for less. Most teams will install synthetic slate for $50-75 per hour.

    If the above costs do not suit you, and you are not positive that your slate roof needs a complete replacement, it is smart to explore whether repairs will suffice. If you do invest in a full replacement, rest assured knowing your slate roof cost will pay for quality and durable roofing. For specialized assistance determining a slate roof cost for your home, be sure to use our helpful data base to find a professional contractor in your area.

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    Written by: Ian David Clark, Editor