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    Find a Local Roof Repair Company

    If you notice damage to your roof, it is important to repair it as quickly as possible. Otherwise you run the risk of costly water damage to your home, and a premature full roof replacement.
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    The Serious Nature of Roof Leak Repair

    Minor damage to your roof can cause great damage to your home. This article takes a look at the damage that can be caused from a leaky roof. Read on to learn how to spot roof leaks, and why you should get the problem taken care of as soon as possible.

    Repairing an Asphalt Roof

    Asphalt roof repair is a good choice for a DIY job. This article goes over the basic steps of how to repair your asphalt roof.

    Emergency Repair?

    If a storm has unexpectedly caused damage to your roof, it is important to take care of the problem as soon as you can safely do so. This article discusses the quick emergency fixes a homeowner can take before a professional arrives.

    Metal Roof Repair

    Metal roofing is not prone to leakage. However, if damage occurs, this form of roofing can be suitable for a DIY job. This article discusses the basics of metal roof repair.

    PVC Flat Roofs

    PVC flat roof repair should only be performed by professionals. This is due to the heat-welding necessary to the apply the patches, as well as the unique nature of the material itself.

    Roof Hail Damage

    After a heavy hail storm, your roof may have sustained lasting damage. This article discusses how to detect hail damage to your roof, and the steps to take in order to get it repaired properly and in accordance with your insurance company's guidelines.

    Roof Valley Repair

    Roof valleys are the most vulnerable part of a roof, due to the amount of rain and debris flowing through it. Roof valley repair is potentially suitable for a DIY job, depending on the type of roof and the amount of damage.

    Rubber Roofing

    Rubber flat roofing will likely only leak if the installation has been poorly performed. However, all good things must end, and it is useful to know a thing or two about rubber roof repair. This article discusses the basics of the task.

    Slate Roof Repair

    Slate roof repair should only be done by slate roofing experts. This is due to the unique nature of the material, the methods of repair, and the common but avoidable ways that inexperienced workers can cause further damage to the roof.

    Spray Foam Roof Repair

    Spray foam roof repair comes in two varieties: the kind that can be performed by a homeowner, and the kind that cannot. For small blemishes and punctures, simply applying caulking and new UV coating is required. For an older roof or one with sustained damage, a roofer must be called to perform 'scarification.'

    Tar and Gravel

    Tar and gravel roofing is prone to leakage, and the problems are difficult to spot. This article discusses the basics of finding the source of leaks, and how to repair them. However, this job should be left to professionals as finding the true source and path of leaks is very difficult.

    Tile Roof Repair

    Tile roof repair is fairly straight forward and can be performed by a homeowner. However, it is best to leave it up to the professionals as any weight put upon the tiles from a stray foot can cause further damage to your roof. This article discusses the basics of tile roof repair.

    Top 3 Flat Roof Repair Mistakes

    Flat roof repair seems like a straightforward task. However, there are a few mistakes that homeowners make that may end up costing them even more time and money. Read on to learn more.

    Repairing Wooden Roofs

    Wood roof repair is a good candidate for a DIY job. This roofing will not break if walked upon, and it is fairly easy to get the knack of it. This article discusses what to look for when assessing for damage in your wood roof, and the basics of repair.

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    Written by: Moe Berrigan, Editor