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    The Prices for Window Screens

    ​While a natural and refreshing breeze can refresh your home, open windows and doors can also involve heat, insects, and even a loss of privacy. With the addition of quality window screens, homeowners can not only save on their monthly energy bills, but can also protect expensive window investments.
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    For repairs or replacement window screens, it is important that homeowners are informed about their window screen cost and know exactly what is needed for the job. If there are holes in existing screens, it may be easier and less expensive to remove the frame and simply replace or repair the screen material. If you are looking for brand new screens, it is important to buy screen material that matches any preexisting screen frames. Read on to learn more about different window screen options and their costs.

    General Window Screen Cost

    Today's window screen market is primarily dominated by two materials: fiberglass and aluminum. Between the two, a fiberglass window screen cost is usually half that of an aluminum window screen cost due to the differences in the two materials' durability. As a result, fiberglass window screen prices usually fall between 15 to 25 cents per square foot, while aluminum window screen prices are between 30 and 35 cents per square foot.

    Besides aluminum and fiberglass, specialty screens and materials are also available at a slightly higher window screen cost. The cheapest of these other options is bronze, costing around $1 per square foot. Copper and stainless steel cost around $1.20. Energy efficient solar screening usually runs around $1.50 per square foot. The window screen cost for brass averages around $2.15 per foot.

    Other Factors in Window Screen Cost

    Besides your choice in material, the greatest contributors to your window screen cost are the screen's size and shape. Obviously the larger the screen, the more expensive it is to purchase and install. If the window is a custom shape, customized screens will add to the window screen cost as well.

    Besides window screen sizes and materials, other factors that affect window screen cost include: the material's thickness and strength, screen mesh hole size (the smaller, the more expensive), the quality and material of the screen's frame, and finally, additional solar coatings or films to reduce interior heat.

    Energy Efficient Window Screens

    Much like regular window screens, solar window screens are added to the exterior of your home windows. Unlike regular window screens, these special screens can also help lower energy bills. By blocking the amount of exterior heat and harmful UV rays that can be transferred through your windows from the outside, energy efficient solar screens are an investment with long-term benefits.

    Window Screen Cost: A Worthwhile Investment

    Although the refreshing breeze offered by window screens is hard to beat, there is more than one advantage to investing in screens. From stopping insect invasions to keeping your home cooler, the right choice in window screens can make a world of difference.

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    Written by: Ryan Mchugh, Editor