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    The Prices For Double Hung Windows

    The costs for your windows' installation, upkeep, and impact on energy bills can be significant factors in your overall expenses as a homeowner. There are many different factors to consider when choosing a double hung window for your home.
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    Two common types of windows are single hung and double hung windows. While a single hung window only has one movable window sash, a double hung window allows for both sashes to be moved up and down. In this article, we will take a look at some of the costs associated with a double hung window.

    General Prices for a Double Hung Window

    A double hung window generally costs anywhere from $200 to $350 and up. This is slightly more expensive than a single hung window. The slightly higher price is mainly due to the hardware needed for double hung window's multiple operable sashes.

    Added Features for a Double Hung Window

    There are many different types of glass and glazing, each with their own beneficial qualities. If needed, standard replacement window glass will cost anywhere from $3 to $14 and up per square foot.

    Because double hung windows allow for more ventilation, and less insulation, than other types of windows, homeowners may also want to consider buying a special insulated glass. High-performance low-e glass can boost the insulation of your double hung window. Low-e glass generally costs between $40 and $55 per square foot. Though expensive, this type of glass will save you money on your energy bills, keeping your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

    Energy Efficiency

    A double hung window is not quite as energy efficient as its single hung counterpart. This is due to the movable sashes allowing for heat to escape the house more easily. On average, the U-factor (insulation value) for a double hung window is 0.40-0.35. However, the moveable sashes allow for a great amount of ventilation, which can lower air-conditioning costs during the summer. Additionally, by investing in a special glass, you can improve the energy efficiency of your double hung window.

    How to Maintain Your Double Hung Window

    In order to avoid costly repairs in the future, keeping your double hung window system clean is important. Because of the moveable sashes of a double hung window, cleaning the entire system is very easy. Additionally, some double hung windows have tiltable glass, allowing you to clean the exterior as well.

    Summary: A Solid Ventilation Option

    While not quite as cost efficient as single hung windows, a double hung window is a great option for the home. In addition to enhanced ventilation, a double hung window makes cleaning and maintenance much simpler, which will ultimately save you on repairs and replacement costs. Despite being less energy efficient, double hung windows can still help you reduce energy costs with the right type of insulated glass. In order to install a double hung window today, use HomeAdvancement's easy links to find contractors in your area.

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