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    A Guide to Aluminum Window Frames

    For many homeowners, the perfect window frame is not only strong and resistant to stormy weather, but also delicate and light. Aluminum window frames combine a lightweight frame with incredible strength.
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    To learn the basics about aluminum window frames, check out our handy guide.

    Aluminum Window Frames: Basics

    Aluminum window frames have many excellent qualities that make them the perfect choice for your home’s beautiful windows. First and foremost, aluminum window frames are strong. On average, a very thin and minimalist aluminum window frames can support large expanses of glass. This quality will allow you to plan for large window spaces, turning your home into a light-soaked palace.

    Additionally, if you’re fond of a minimalist aesthetic, aluminum window frames’ clean, crisp lines will appeal to your tastes. Finally, the strength of aluminum window frames is handy if you live in areas prone to inclement weather, such as heavy storms. Though they’re not quite as strong as fiberglass, aluminum window frames are tough enough to withstand harsh weather, keeping your home watertight and shipshape.

    How Much Will Your Aluminum Frame Cost?

    Aluminum combines its lightweight strength with a lower cost than wood or fiberglass frames. They are even cheaper than vinyl, costing about twenty percent less than their vinyl counterparts. Expect to pay about $550 to $750 for a double-hung aluminum window, and $650 to $750 for a casement aluminum window.

    Aluminum window frames are cheap and strong. | @ / pepe

    Aluminum Window Frames: Maintenance

    In the past, aluminum window frames were prone to rust. As you can imagine, this irksome problem required vigilance and maintenance from homeowners. While aluminum window frames are still in danger of rusting, newer models are much better at standing up to decay, as they are coated and protected in the factory to prevent corrosion.

    However, homeowners should still check their aluminum window frames regularly, once every couple of months or so, for signs of rust. To protect the aluminum from rust and corrosion, thoroughly scrub your frames with a brush and a mild detergent, and then apply a silicon lubricant.

    Aluminum Window Frames: Energy Efficiency

    Unfortunately, aluminum window frames are not the most energy efficient models. However, this problem can be remedied by double-glazing your windows. Although it will cost a little more, this trick will dramatically increase the energy efficiency of your aluminum window frames.

    Conclusion: A Great Choice for the Buyer on a Budget

    Though aluminum window frames are not as flashy as their fiberglass counterparts, and though they may not have the classic appeal of a wood window frame, aluminum is an excellent alternative for the homeowner trying to save some money. Strong and light, with the ability to support large expanses of glass, aluminum window frames can add plenty of class to your home. Additionally, updated models require far less maintenance than older aluminum window frames, and a little extra TLC (a.k.a. double-glazing) can make your aluminum window frames energy efficient.

    For help finding or installing aluminum window frames in your home, check out our database to find a quality contractor near you.

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