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    A Guide to Living Room Windows

    ​Living room windows and living room window treatments can dramatically change the look of your living room. Whether adding light or showcasing a breathtaking view, living room windows can enhance your wall colors or furniture, and provide security for you and your family.
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    When preparing for living room window treatments or installation, most homeowners will probably discover the need for various window materials and types. However, the different styles and materials come with different pros and cons.

    Top Living Room Window Styles

    Living rooms often tend to feature several different window types. Common choices for living room windows include a picture window flanked by two casement windows, or a single large and sweeping bow window. A set of windows such as a bay or a casement/fixed combination can act as an elegant centerpiece for your room.

    Other popular styles for living rooms include floor-to-ceiling, either fixed or operable, windows. These can provide an abundance of light and are particularly agreeable if you have beautiful views to showcase. An entire wall of floor-to-ceiling windows can contribute to your home's passive solar design, saving energy on light and heat during the day.

    Floor-to-ceiling windows can fill your living room with light. | @ / XtravaganT

    Common Building Materials

    Selecting the best window frame material for your living room is an important step in living room window treatments and installation. Window materials will affect the price, your choice in manufacturer, and other available window options.

    Even without additional living room window treatments, fiberglass is a flexible material that offers greater strength and insulation than most materials. Although fiberglass frames are unable to offer the same performance as vinyl, the advantage that fiberglass can provide is its endurance. Fiberglass can also be made to imitate the elegant wooden frames that many homeowners seek for their living room.

    Additionally, given its cost and performance, vinyl has recently become a popular material for frames. While the debate about their durability still continues, a new high-end vinyl frame will outperform other materials in the short-term.

    Living Room Window Treatments

    Regarding living room window treatments, bare windows are rarely the best choice for decoration. Most homeowners choose a set of curtains to accent their windows and provide a bit of privacy to the room. Living room window treatments like valances and shades are add fluidity and softness, while also offering privacy and light control.

    The sophisticated floor-to-ceiling drapes are also currently in high demand. This type of curtain is one of the best living room window treatments if you have floor to ceiling windows, higher ceilings, or loft spaces in your living room. Many homeowners choose lighter, sheer curtains for a clean and simple look.

    Additionally, environmentally friendly solar shades that absorb heat and block UV rays make excellent living room window treatments. These shades will protect your furnishings and preserve your beautiful views, without letting in too much sunlight. Moreover, these shades can often provide a sleeker, more modern look than curtains.

    Solar shades keep your living room cool and beautiful. | © CC BY 2.0 / Jeremy Levine

    Many Options for Living Room Window Treatments

    Homeowners should familiarize themselves with all of their living room window options in order to achieve the levels of beauty and intimacy that they desire. Whether framing a beautiful vista, or filling a wall space, contact a local contractor with HomeAdvancement's easy database to find the right windows for your living room.

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    Written by: Ryan Mchugh, Editor