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    A Guide to Switchable Glass and Switchable Film

    ​Like invisible curtains, switchable glass and switchable film for your windows change from transparent to opaque with the flip of a switch. Providing unprecedented control over the amount of light, privacy, and heat that enters your home, switchable glass can also preserve your beautiful views of the outdoors.
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    Switchable glass (or smart windows, switchable windows, or smart glass) and switchable film (or smart film) are both practical and luxurious additions to your home. Switchable glass is a type of glass or glazing that changes from translucent to transparent when electricity, light, or heat is applied. Switchable film works similarly to smart glass, but is a film that can be applied directly to your existing window glass.

    Read on to learn more about switchable glass and film and the various benefits they offer.

    The Benefits of Switchable Glass and Film

    With the ability to change the opacity of a window as the outside light and temperature changes, homeowners can easily maintain a more comfortable interior. Additionally, windows that use switchable glass and film are able to block up to 98% of UV light passing through them.

    This technology can boost your home's privacy, eliminate the need for blinds and shades, preserve your daytime and nighttime views, minimize glare from sunlight, maximize the amount of light that enters your home, and protect your interior furniture from fading. Switchable glass and film will also help you lower your energy bills by reducing the need for extra heating and cooling.

    How Does Switchable Glass Work?

    Switchable glass technologies vary, and they include electrochromic glass and Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC). Typically, switchable glass with a PDLC film consists of this film sandwiched between two layers of glass panes and two layers of conductive interlayers. The film allows the glass to change from opaque to clear on command, or to dim itself anywhere in between opaque and clear.

    Typically, switchable glass windows work manually or automatically, with a simple on/off switch, a remote control, and/or movement sensors.

    How Does Switchable Film Work?

    Switchable film is available in standard or self-adhesive films. By simply applying this film to existing glass or plexiglass window panes, homeowners can have instant, easily controlled privacy for their home. Switchable film changes from either clouded when turned off to clear and transparent as electricity courses through the window when turned on.

    Energy Efficient Switchable Glass

    Although switchable glass and film consume electricity, and may seem like a gimmick, they are hugely beneficial to the environment. Many manufacturers can produce a glass or film that use as little power as three watts per square meter each hour.

    Since smart glass and film block most UV light while still allowing in visible and infrared light, homeowners can enjoy significant savings on their energy bills. In fact, homeowners can cut as much as 40% on annual energy costs, as switchable glass and film allow natural light to heat the home in winter while blocking the glare and solar heat gain in summer.

    Summary: Switchable Glass and Film for a More Comfortable Home

    According to studies, natural sunlight has been shown to correlate with homeowners feeling both happier and more productive. With this new technology of switchable glass and film, you can enjoy even more windows and sunlight in your home, while maintaining your privacy and consuming less energy.

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    Written by: Ryan Mchugh, Editor