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    The Prices for Window Frames

    A window is one of the most important assets for your home. It lets in light, allows you to appreciate the great outdoors from the comfort of the heated or air-conditioned indoors, and protects your home against the elements. However, many homeowners don’t know enough about window frames, causing them to lose the potential benefits that come from a high-quality window frame.
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    General Costs for Window Frames

    Framed windows have a wide range of costs, depending on the type of window, the material used, the size, and so forth. In terms of window frames, the cost depends on the material you choose. Here is a list of popular frame materials, from least expensive to most expensive: vinyl, aluminum, fiberglass, and wood. Other materials that cost more than wooden window frames also exist, but these four are the most common window frame materials.

    Window sets with frames constructed from the cheapest materials can cost as little as $100. However, this cost generally applies to small windows. Large windows sets made out of cheap materials could potentially cost as much as $1,000. For more expensive materials, the cost ranges from at least $250 to $2,000 or more.

    Wooden Window Frames

    Though more expensive than their vinyl and aluminum counterparts, wooden window frames can be the most cost-effective choice for your home. Wooden window frames are not only strong, but also more moderately priced than the most expensive window frame materials. Additionally, wooden window frames provide your home with excellent insulation, a feature that can potentially shave as much as a quarter from your energy bills. Though wooden window frames might be require more cash up front, they can save you significant chunks of change in the long run.

    For pre-made window sets with wooden window frames, expect to pay at least $250. Made-to-order sets with wooden window frames will cost at least $800. For more expensive or rare species of wood, such as mahogany, expect to pay $2,000 for wooden window frames. Again, though these costs might be higher than the costs for an aluminum or vinyl, properly maintained wooden window frames can last a lifetime, saving you the costs of replacing shoddier models.

    When to Buy New Window Frames

    Sometimes, window frames need only a small touch-up, rather than a complete replacement. If the sill and jambs are rotting or decaying, however, it is necessary to completely replace your window frame. For such projects, consider calling a contractor, as a complete window frame replacement can be complicated to properly install. A proper installation with the help of a professional can prevent longterm costs in repairs for your window frames and for your home.

    The Prices of Window Frames: A Cost-Effective Choice for Your Home

    Though installing a new window frame can be costly, this will ultimately save you money in the long run. Wooden window frames will make your windows more energy efficient, cutting your energy bills dramatically. Additionally, wooden window frames can last for years and years, and save you the money and hassle required to replace old sets. In that case, buying new window frames, especially well-made wooden window frames, is a practical choice for your home. Check out our database to find a contractor and install your window frames today.

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